Monday, June 4, 2012

Week 1 - CYBR 650

Hello again! I have once again been subjected to posting blogs on Cybersecurity. This will probably most likely be a reference point for me, since I do tend to look back on past classes to help with future ones.

As stated in the last set of blogs for my CIS 608 course, I intend to attend the DEFCON conference in Vegas! I am hoping that blog will be a fun one for anyone who happens to stumble on this blog and read it.

"Coach" wants me to introduce myself to the cybersecurity world, but as I look down, I wonder if that is necessary. Well, probably, just in case. I am getting graded on this you know!

My experience in cybersecurity is personal experience. I have a nice little secure home network setup. After that, the idea of corporations, government, and other large entities that need cybersecurity seems almost overwhelming! Organizations like the government, medical industry, and others contain a mass amount of information that must be protected. All I got are my weekly assignments and a wannabe budget. But this is a field that I am passionate about and I am hoping that eventually I will get to finally dip my foot in the cybersecurity pool and gain the experience needed to do my job excellently.

This type of work can be tedious, but it is fun in trying to play cat-and-mouse with the bad guys trying to keep them out while they try and get in. Also, trying to think of what might happen and protect against that threat as well, like tornadoes, earthquakes, fires, etc.

I love solving puzzles and how many people get to say that the career they chose,  they are paid to play? Cybersecurity is exactly that. A big puzzle. An intricate riddle. I can't wait until I can get a job where I am paid to play!

Like last time, I posted a list for my own personal reference that was recommended by the University. I will be posting that as well for me mostly, but you have my permission to use it too! ;-)

Also, I tend to go all over the place. I am a very random person so expect random posts. The University recommends sticking to a topic. Well, Cybersecurity is a topic and I'm sticking to it! HA!

 Cybersecurity Center at Bellevue University -
Security Bloggers Network -
infosec Island -
 Security Wizardry -
McAfee Threat Intelligence -
SANS News summary -
CNET Security and Privacy -
NebrasksaCERT -
ISACA Knowledge Center -
Norton Security Resources -
Privacy Rights Clearinghouse -
National Cyber-Forensics & Training Alliance -
Identity Theft Resource Center -
FBI Cyber Crime Stories -
Security Week -

See you next week!

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