Thursday, March 1, 2012

Week 12

Well, this is my final post for CIS 608. I will keep these posts online just in case future courses require more of these posts. If that is the case, you will see the course name and week number such as: CIS 608: Week 1. This is to help the professors figure out where I am at. Tee hee. Actually, I think I can edit the title of these posts...I dunno...will have to check that out. Anyways, here is my final assignment, so if this post doesn't make sense to you, here is what I am addressing:

Time to finish up your blog. This last assignment should be a retrospective look at your postings over the last 11 weeks. Time for a little analysis. Write up an entry that provides a summary of what you chose to write about.
First, you need to categorize your topics of choice. Did you write primarily on operating system issues? User errors? Viruses? Or did you write about a variety of topics? Why did you choose those topics?
Next, you need to include an analysis of where you got your material. Did you use the same source each week? A variety each week?
As the last part of this entry, include whether or not you thought this type of blog might be useful to an information security professional and provide a few lessons learned for the next group of students.
Anyone who knows me well knows that I am a pretty random person. I am easily distra....oooh SHINY!

If I find it interesting, I will read about it. Some of my posts had to do with the political implications of cybersecurity. Since I am a limited (or small) government person, you got to see some of my opposition to too much government and how it cannot work in Cyberspace. So, there is no real category for my posts because they cover so much. Some of them covered Risk Management because I felt they applied to that week's learning in Information Security Management.

My sources started out with the ones that Professor Sue offered. Because I had to read Professor Woernor's blog for an assignment, I found other sources that fascinated me. Finally, my sources also came from my classes as I became aware of some things going on in regards to regular society and cybersecurity. So, my sources ranged from sources provided by both my professors as well as my texts and my peers.

I find "Coach's" (Prof. Woerner's) blogs VERY helpful. I'm not so sure on ones like mine. There's something to be said about wanting to write on various topics and being forced to. A person who makes a discovery they wish to share will provide good information and perspective to the topic. They want to write and will write for their target audience. A person doing it for a grade tends to do it, just to do it. The information is good, but you can tell there isn't much interest or passion in it. Chances are, I may not post here again unless another class asks me to. I am an interactive person. I like to give information and receive information. This is too one-sided for me.

On the other hand, for future students, if you are like me and groaned every week to think of something to write on here, do this: use it as an opportunity to reflect on what you are learning. Read your Chapter and if you are taking another course, incorporate that into your blog. Not only does this help you reinforce what you are learning, but it will help you think out how these concepts apply. Take advantage of it.